The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) has proposed amendments to its regulations that govern how sales of services and intangibles are sourced for income tax purposes. The changes to this income tax apportionment regulation will apply to nearly every corporation that pays California tax. Comments regarding these proposed changes are due no later than February
Tax Policy
New York State proposes changes to GILTI
On January 8, 2025, a group of New York State Senators introduced S953, which proposes to increase the gross amount of GILTI under IRC § 951A included in the New York State business income base from 5% to 50%. This increase to corporations’ tax base is done by reducing the amount of GILTI excluded…
California governor proposes changes to financial institution taxation
In his draft budget plan for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 released on January 10, 2025, California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed to bring financial institutions in line with most other corporate taxpayers when it comes to apportioning multistate income. Banks and “financial corporations” currently use a three-factor apportionment formula consisting of property, payroll and sales to apportion…
Breaking down results of significant state ballot initiatives
On November 5, voters cast their ballots to determine who would fill a variety of federal, state, and local offices. Several states also considered tax related ballot initiatives. We describe some of the more significant ballot initiatives and their results.
Sales Tax
There were a few states with ballot initiatives that would exempt items from…
What to know about this year’s ballot measures on tax courts, property exemptions
In an article published by Savannah Morning News, Eversheds Sutherland SALT Partner Jonathan Feldman discusses a proposed constitutional amendment on the Georgia ballot this November that would create a new judicial branch tax court with the same judicial power as superior courts. Appeals from the new tax court would go directly to the Georgia…
D.C. Tax Revision Commission to no longer pursue business activities tax proposal; Engage in further research
On October 9, 2024, the D.C. Tax Revision Commission met to finalize their tax recommendations to the D.C. Council and Mayor. However, the Commission did not reach a consensus and instead opted to perform additional research.
The D.C. Tax Revision Commission’s last activity was to issue a Revised Chairman’s Mark in July 2024. That document…
The mysterious disappearance of D.C.’s Tax Revision Commission
In response to concerns that the District of Columbia needed to explore new or broadened revenue sources, the D.C. Council established D.C.’s Tax Revision Commission to comprehensively review the District’s tax code. The Commission’s mandate is to make tax policy recommendations, and it began meeting in 2022 with the intent of making tax recommendations to…
Better late than never: California FTB initiates formal process to amend market sourcing regulation
At long last, the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking today to amend FTB’s market sourcing regulation: California Code of Regulations, title 18, section 25136-2 (“Reg. 25136-2”). This is the latest step in a long journey that began over seven years ago, when FTB held its first interested parties meeting…
Legal Alert: California Legislature drops the other shoe, kicking taxpayers right in the apportionment formula
California legislators released bill language addressing Governor Gavin Newsom’s “May Revise” to the state budget that includes the Governor’s so-called “apportionment fix.” If enacted, Assembly Bill 167 and Senate Bill 167 will suspend net operating losses for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024 and before January 1, 2027. Similarly, the legislation applies…
Tax assessment: Recapping Georgia’s legislative session
The Georgia General Assembly’s 2023-2024 legislative session ended with several significant tax bills. Among them was a constitutional referendum to create a tax court in the judicial branch, a reduction of the individual and corporate income tax rates, and limitations on income tax credit carryforwards.
In this article published by Law360, Eversheds Sutherland attorneys…