Calling all trivia fans! Don’t miss out on a chance to show off your SALT knowledge!

We will award prizes for the smartest (and fastest) participants.

This week’s question: In which state was a bill recently introduced that would institute a $3 delivery fee for deliveries taking place in the state’s largest city?

E-mail your

Calling all trivia fans! Don’t miss out on a chance to show off your SALT knowledge!

We will award prizes for the smartest (and fastest) participants.

This week’s question: The legislature of which southern state recently introduced a bill that would impose a $0.30 delivery fee on each retail delivery within the state?

E-mail your

Calling all trivia fans! Don’t miss out on a chance to show off your SALT knowledge!

We will award prizes for the smartest (and fastest) participants.

This week’s question: Bills were introduced in the Michigan Senate that would increase the rate on sin taxes that apply to what type of activity?

E-mail your response to 

Calling all trivia fans! Don’t miss out on a chance to show off your SALT knowledge!

We will award prizes for the smartest (and fastest) participants.

This week’s question: For tax years beginning after December 31, 2025, corporate franchise taxpayers that are part of a combined group in which jurisdiction will transition to the Finnigan