The Minnesota Supreme Court held that the state’s standard apportionment method did not fairly reflect the taxpayer’s net income allocable to the state, reversing the Tax Court’s ruling. The taxpayer, a national financial institution, transferred its loan portfolios to two newly formed partnerships. For apportionment purposes, Minnesota requires financial institutions to include loan interest in
Surrender: Minnesota Department of Revenue Gives Away NOL Limitation Case
By Charles Capouet and Charlie Kearns
On November 6, 2017, the Minnesota Department of Revenue issued a Revenue Notice advising taxpayers that it acquiesces to the Minnesota Tax Court’s decision in Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. v. Commissioner of Revenue. As a result, the Department now takes the position that Minnesota’s version of the …
Minnesota Tax Court: Net Operating Loss Limitation is Applied Solely on a Pre-Apportioned Basis
By Debra Salvato and Scott Wright
The Minnesota Tax Court recently held that the annual limitation on net operating losses of an acquired corporation is to be applied only once to a taxpayer’s pre-apportioned income. The taxpayer, Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc., acquired a company with significant losses to which Section 382 limitations applied. The Commissioner…
Minnesota Supreme Court Respects Federal Check-the-Box Election for Minnesota Combined Reporting Purposes
By Samantha Trencs and Jeff Friedman
The Minnesota Supreme Court respected a foreign entity’s federal check-the-box election for the purpose of determining which entities were included in the Minnesota combined franchise tax reports. The court held that including the income and apportionment factors of a foreign entity that elects under federal tax law to be…
Marketplace Providers Are Statutorily Required to Collect Sales Tax in Minnesota and Washington
By Jeff Friedman and Stephanie Do
A new landmark sales tax statute has been adopted in Minnesota, which expands sales tax collection requirements to those retailers that sell their goods on certain “marketplaces.” Generally, only a retailer that is physically present in a state is required to collect and remit the state’s sales tax. The…
Minnesota DOR to Pay Taxpayer’s Attorney’s Fees from Challenging a Not “Substantially Justified” Assessment
By Alla Raykin andf Eric Coffill
The Minnesota Supreme Court upheld the Minnesota Tax Court’s award of attorney’s fees to a taxpayer that had challenged the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue’s assessment of sales and use tax. The Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed the Tax Court decision, because it reasonably concluded that the Commissioner’s additional use tax…
Compact, But No Contract: Minnesota Supreme Court Holds Compact Did Not Create Binding Contractual Obligation
By Hanish Patel and Amy Nogid
The Minnesota Supreme Court held that Minnesota’s adoption of the Multistate Tax Compact (Compact) did not create a binding contractual obligation and, as a result, the state’s subsequent repeal of the Compact’s alternative apportionment election provision was not prohibited as unconstitutionally impairing contractual obligations. As such, the taxpayer was…
Cha-Ching! Minnesota Supreme Court Holds Semi-Custom Software Subject to Sales Tax
By Derek Takehara and Andrew Appleby
The Minnesota Supreme Court upheld the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s imposition of sales tax on a software company’s sale of partially customized software because the taxpayer failed to separately state customization charges on customer invoices. The taxpayer licensed software that analyzed information on retailers’ cash registers. The taxpayer always…
Minnesota Department of Revenue Revises a Release that Discusses Application of Sales Tax to Digital Products
The Minnesota Department of Revenue updated its Sales Tax Fact Sheet on digital products to explain that webinars (electronically accessed live or prerecorded audio and audiovisual presentations) are exempt from tax provided the following three requirements are met:
(1) Admission to the in-person presentation is not subject…
Minnesota Issues Digital Goods Taxation Guidance
Minnesota issued additional guidance regarding its taxation of digital goods, which became effective July 1, 2013. For more details, view the Sales Tax Fact Sheet issued by the Department of Revenue.