Governor Glenn Youngkin has issued his proposed Virginia 2024 – 2026 Budget Bill. The Budget Bill would make three notable changes to Virginia’s tax structure, all of which would take effect on January 1, 2025: (1) increase the sales and use tax rate; (2) expand the sales and use tax base to digital products; and
Digital Product
Maryland alters statutory definition of “digital product”
By Jonathan Feldman, Jeremy Gove & Alla Raykin on
Posted in Digital Economy, Policy and Legislation
Maryland H.B. 791 clarifies that the definition of “digital product” for sales and use tax purposes does not include certain digital inputs or enterprise software. Specifically, H.B. 791 excludes from taxable digital products the following: (i) products having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities where the purchaser has a copyright or similar…