On January 5, 2017, a New York State Division of Tax Appeals administrative law judge (ALJ) determined that a taxpayer’s electronic bill payment and presentation receipts constitute “service” receipts and not “other business receipts,” and are properly sourced where the service is performed. In the Matter of the Petitions of Checkfree Services Corp. 

  • New York

By Christopher Lutz and Jeff Friedman

On December 15, 2016, the Tennessee Joint Government Operations Committee held a hearing regarding the governor’s proposal to establish an economic nexus standard for the state sales tax. Under the proposal, remote sellers would be subject to collection obligations in the state if their Tennessee sales exceed $500,000. The

By Hanish Patel and Open Weaver Banks

The Magistrate Division of the Oregon Tax Court held that an insurance company’s gain from the sale of a subsidiary and income from a holding company both constituted nonbusiness income. The court found that the acquisition and sale of a 40% owned subsidiary that operated as a third-party

By Evan Hamme and Tim Gustafson

In a rare Chief Counsel Ruling (the first of 2015), the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) held that the sale of an entire line of business qualified as an “occasional sale” for corporate franchise tax purposes, thus requiring the selling taxpayer to exclude the resulting gross receipts from its

Yesterday, the Multistate Tax Commission held its annual meeting in Spokane, Washington. The meeting is the annual event where full MTC member states approve model laws in their final version. The approved versions are then ready for the member states to adopt if they so choose. This year the MTC approved changes to the equitable

By Ted Friedman and Timothy Gustafson

The Supreme Court of Missouri reversed and remanded a decision of the Administrative Hearing Commission (see our coverage of the Commission’s January 28, 2013 decision here) and held that income from a “rabbi trust”—a trust established by a corporation to fund a nonqualified deferred compensation plan for company

Today the Los Angeles Superior Court held that Comcast did not establish a unitary relationship with its 57% owned subsidiary, QVC. The court found for Comcast and held that the evidence presented at trial demonstrated that none of the unitary tests were satisfied. Finally, the court found for the state and held that Comcast’s receipt

By Christopher Chang and Andrew Appleby

The Arizona Court of Appeals upheld a broad definition of business income, adopting both the transactional and functional tests. The Court of Appeals stated that business income includes both income arising from transactions in a taxpayer’s regular course of business (the “transactional test”) and income from the acquisition, management,