To submit your pet for our SALT Pets Working from Home series, send us a photo of your pet working from home on Twitter using #SALTPets or email
Lincoln is a three-month-old Bernedoodle, Bernese Mountain Dog & Poodle mix, weighing in at almost 25 lbs!! While working from home, Lincoln keeps a very tight schedule. He starts his day with breakfast, followed by a quick check of his emails.
Once Lincoln sifts through the junk mail, he conducts a one-on-one with his direct report – Justin Pagliaccetti of the SALT team at Amazon.
After barking his orders, Lincoln settles in for his morning belly rub.
He rounds off his morning with a little hockey, performing his best Broad Street Bullies impression.
Lincoln spends all afternoon keeping a close eye on his direct report, sleeping under his chair to ensure he doesn’t leave his work station before quitting time.
To submit your pet for our SALT Pets Working from Home series, send us a photo of your pet working from home on Twitter using #SALTPets or email