Brothers Killer and Stanley have been the companions of Sutherland SALT administrative assistant Melissa Bragg since she moved to Atlanta 12 years ago. New to town, Melissa and her friend set out to find a four-legged companion or two at the Atlanta Humane Society. They got lost and wound up at Marietta Humane Society, and there awaited Killer and Stanley for her rescue!
Melissa has good reason to “Bragg” about her kitties. Killer has a gregarious personality and is Melissa’s constant companion, accompanying her while doing laundry, the dishes, or cooking. His bed-time rituals are particularly interesting as he helps Melissa put her daughter to bed and then trots down the hall on his own as soon as he hears “it’s time for bed.” Killer loves to eat and is quite the potato chip connoisseur. When he’s excited, he runs and climbs walls sideways.
Stanley is more reserved and is happiest when someone pets him, always welcoming a little TLC. He’s a bit skittish at times and tends to disappear if the doorbell rings, but he holds his own when it comes to chasing flies and flashlight beams.