Meet Chloe and Bella, twelve and eleven year old Shih Tzu’s belonging to Valerie Saines, Director – State Income Tax at T-Mobile. Also known as Chloe-Poo and Bella-Roo, these two girls are best friends who go everywhere and do everything together despite their very different personalities.
Chloe is a true little princess. Her most favorite things in life are toys and snuggling. She is a sponge for a good tummy rub anytime and gives lots of sweet kisses in return. Chloe makes sure there’s plenty of play time in every day. Her signature “toy chasing move,” which she has perfected over many years, is to start running on the family room carpet then go into a long slide when she reaches the kitchen hardwood floor and snag her toy just before the refrigerator!
Bella is an active outdoors girl—She loves soaking up the sun, rolling in the cool grass, collecting twigs and chasing rabbits in the backyard. She also makes sure geese at the park stay off the grass. Bella is an accomplished escape artist—she has springs in her feet jumping high over obstacles and can squeeze through small spaces to make her stealth move into the neighborhood. Toys just don’t interest her—the real fun for Bella is chasing Chloe!
These cuties love walks along Lake Washington, meeting new pups and people on the way. At the end of the day, you’ll find Bella curled up in Valerie’s lap with Chloe snuggled by her side.
We are thrilled to feature Chloe and Bella as June’s SALT Pets of the Month!