Meet Milo and Otis, the five-month-old tabby cat brothers belonging to Eversheds Sutherland SALT Associate Jessica Allen and her husband Erik. Rescued from the pound in Auburn, California, these two lucky kitties remained nameless for the first few weeks in their new home. “Frank” and “Hank” as well as “Bert” and “Ernie” were potential names for the pair until Erik decided “Milo” and “Otis” suited these sweet boys the best.
Milo and Otis are both fond of their big French bulldog sister, Petunia (see September 2016’s Pet of the Month), and she is a very patient pup who loves her brothers! Milo is the more assertive and affectionate of the two kittens and likes to wrestle and snuggle with Petunia. He keeps her face and ears well-groomed with his frequent kisses/licking. Otis is a sneaky fella who prefers to hide behind corners and jump out to startle Petunia whenever he hears her approaching. When Petunia is sound asleep, Otis will sniff her lovingly, raise his paw as if to pet her, and then smack her in the face.
We are so excited to feature Milo and Otis as our March Pets of the Month!