Meet Zander, the seven-year-old Great Pyrenees belonging to Sutherland SALT Associate Madison Barnett and his family. Already a proud dog owner of two handsome pups, Madison hadn’t planned on adding a third to the Barnett household. That plan changed abruptly four years ago when he nonchalantly showed his wife and daughters an email about a dog whose family had been killed in a tornado. Zander was the lone survivor. Madison explains, “One minute I was reading an email, the next minute my daughters were sobbing, and four hours later I had a new dog living with me. I’m still not sure what happened.”
Rescued through Great Pyrenees Rescue Atlanta, Zander is fiercely loyal and fiercely stubborn. If he thinks something is dangerous, he runs to the kids to guard them. If he thinks a command is ridiculous, he won’t bother to acknowledge it and does what he wants. There is no convincing him that he is not supposed to do things like lick birthday cakes.
Zander spends his time indoors and out. While outside, he enjoys adding his personal touch to the backyard landscape design. If he notices the plants looking too healthy, he immediately gets to work digging them up or trampling them.
Zander is also a skilled escape artist. He can open any door in the house and let himself out, and according to Madison, privacy has become a thing of the past. The Barnetts have considered creating a YouTube channel for this canine Houdini to show him plotting and executing his escapes. Even an “escape proof” crate they bought online was no match for Zander. He managed to get out within 15 minutes.
Though he tips the scales at over 100 pounds, this sweet, sociable boy thinks he belongs on everyone’s lap. Guests stare at him in horror while he careens his body into them so he can climb up and get comfortable. He is honored to be August’s Pet of the Month!