We interrupt our regularly scheduled SALT dog and cat programming to bring you our very first SALT duck and duckling of the month. Meet the mother-daughter duo, Natalia and Tatiana, two Muscovy ducks who could only fittingly be given Russian names. The mother-daughter duo is part of a larger flock of ducks and ducklings that live on a smallholding owned by Eversheds Sutherland’s UK Tax Partner, Giles Salmond.

Natalia, a two-year-old, just hatched her first flock of ducklings a couple of weeks ago. Tatiana is one of seven new ducklings in Natalia’s flock. While Tatiana is still young, she’s enjoying her time on the farm, eating the grass and any small bits of grain she can get her beak on.

Now that her ducks are in a row, Natalia is beginning to return to her everyday activities. Born with cunning wit, and a great sense of adventure, Natalia is an expert at escaping her fenced area and venturing off onto neighbors’ land. She also enjoys eating the plums that fall from the tree in her area of the garden, but most importantly, she enjoys hanging out with Giles. Although Giles is still waiting for her brood to get a little older before he can return to enjoying a cold vodka with her.

We are thrilled to feature Natalia and Tatiana as our SALT Pets of the Month!