Meet Finnick, a very lucky kitty belonging to Sutherland SALT Counsel Open Weaver Banks.
Named after Finnick Odair from The Hunger Games trilogy, Finnick is a former stray that Open had found sleeping under a bush while she was gardening last fall. Shortly before Finnick took up residence in the Banks’ backyard, the family had been having trouble with some pesky chipmunks on their property. Open’s father had suggested she go to an animal shelter and adopt a cat that would live outside. She passed along the idea to her husband, who wondered if Open would get too attached to the adopted cat and end up bringing it inside. About a week later, before the family got to the shelter, Finnick turned up in their garden and Alvin, Simon, and Theodore haven’t been seen since!
Even though he spends most of his time outdoors, Finnick is an excellent lap cat who loves to be held. But watch out when lap time is over! Finnick will try to stop people from putting him down or leaving him by biting and scratching.
This feisty feline is proud to be April’s Pet of the Month!