Meet Alice and Cooper, two “Cajun” cats owned by Justin Stone, Amazon’s new Senior Manager of State and Local Tax. Earlier this month, Justin joined Amazon, coming from our very own SALT team at Eversheds Sutherland.

Justin adopted Alice and Cooper during his first year of practice, and decided to stick with the names given to them by their foster mom. Surprisingly, neither their foster mom nor Justin are big Alice Cooper fans. Alice and Cooper are now eight years old, and inseparable. The two of them especially enjoy sleeping, and eating their favorite treats – paper and plastic.

There are some differences between the two. Cooper really hates when Justin is on the phone or his laptop, which has made working from home just a bit more challenging. On the other hand, Alice is described as “purr-fect!” But Cooper isn’t always a troublemaker and will actually play fetch with you as if he were a dog.

When Justin started working at Amazon, he needed to bring Both Alice and Cooper out to Seattle. The veterinarian prescribed anxiety medication for the flight, but unfortunately Cooper’s dosage was not very effective. Justin’s father had Cooper safely tucked away under the seat in front of him, and about halfway through the six-hour flight, Cooper started whining. Every time someone noticed Cooper whining, Justin’s dad would just remark, “That isn’t my cat!”

The cats are now fully settled in Seattle and enjoying the extra time with Justin working from home.

We wish Justin, Cooper, and Alice all the best at Amazon!