On November 1, 2017, the District of Columbia will begin implementing a new sales and use tax exemption application process for Qualified High Technology Companies (QHTCs). The new application procedure signifies a shift to essentially a pre-certification process and creates new documentation requirements for companies seeking QHTC benefits. Key considerations include:
- Companies will now be required to file an annual online application in order to obtain the QHTC Exempt Purchase Certificate. The current Exempt Purchase Certificates will expire on January 31, 2018.
- In addition to questions relating to the statutory QHTC eligibility requirements, the District requires that companies state the number of QHTC employees hired and jobs created, along with the number who are District residents. These questions may have been formulated to gather information to determine the effectiveness of the QHTC program.
- Because taxpayers have previously self-certified as QHTCs, the Office of Tax and Revenue may reject companies’ applications now, rather than audit them later.