The Tax Executives Institute’s (TEI) State and Local Tax Committee is holding a series of State Tax Reform Roundtables to enable SALT professionals to stay abreast of state tax developments associated with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, to engage with subject-matter experts, and to hear from peers regarding their “boots on the ground” knowledge and experience.

This series of calls will create a platform for all members to learn, share and engage about issues of interest. Each call will highlight a particular topic and will provide a general update of state tax reform developments. Partners Jeff Friedman, Eric Tresh and Todd Lard will present on the roundtable calls, and details of their presentations are below.

IRC 965, BEAT, GILTI and FDII – Through the Lens of a SALT Professional + Recent Developments

June 21, 2018

Presenter: Jeff Friedman

Legislative Roundup – What are the States Doing + Recent Developments

July 19, 2018

Presenters: Eric Tresh and Todd Lard

IRC Sec 118, Credits and Incentives – What To Do With All That “New Cash” + Recent Developments

August 9, 2018

Presenter: Todd Lard

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