By Chris Mehrmann and Carley Roberts

An administrative law judge (ALJ) of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration upheld the denial of a taxpayer’s corporate income tax refund claim, after the taxpayer attempted to amend its returns to apply the cost of performance method of sourcing income. Arkansas has adopted section 18 of the

Yesterday, the Multistate Tax Commission held meetings of its Litigation, Uniformity, and Strategic Planning Steering Committees. The meetings were generally dominated by discussions of evolving apportionment issues, including litigation and significant edits to existing regulations. The Uniformity Committee also advanced its new model “engaged in business” statute.

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By Charles Capouet and Timothy Gustafson

The South Carolina Administrative Law Court found that South Carolina does not source sales of services with a strict cost of performance method. The taxpayer, a broadcasting corporation, provides access to digital television entertainment via satellite dishes across the United States, including South Carolina. On audit, the South Carolina

By Robert P. Merten III and Prentiss Willson

Massachusetts has published its final revised market-sourcing regulation (830 CMR 63.38.1), effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2014. The final revisions to these rules, among other things, conform the regulation with recent state law amendments requiring taxpayers to use market-based sourcing

At its Fall Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee on December 11-12, the MTC’s Executive Committee voted to formally contact states to solidify whether there is sufficient financial commitment to fund any potential MTC transfer pricing program. The MTC also formally announced that Iowa, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island will join the MTC audit program. Additionally, the MTC’s

On July 30, the Multistate Tax Commission (MTC) approved amendments to the Multistate Tax Compact’s (1) definition of nonbusiness income, (2) definition of “sales,” (3) factor-weighting, (4) alternative apportionment, and (5) sourcing of service and intangible revenue. With the approval, the amendments officially become a model act of the MTC, and taxpayers should expect legislation

On July 28, the Multistate Tax Commission (MTC) Uniformity Committee tabled two projects in order to focus on apportionment regulations in anticipation that the Commission will amend several key UDITPA sourcing rules on Wednesday.
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On July 28, the Multistate Tax Commission (MTC) Uniformity Committee tabled two projects in order to

On May 8, the Multistate Tax Commission’s Executive Committee voted to advance its amendments to the Multistate Tax Compact’s definition of nonbusiness income, definition of “sales,” factor weighting, and the sourcing of service and intangible revenue. The Committee essentially embraced the MTC’s original proposed amendments and failed to incorporate any of the comments and observations