The New York State Tax Appeals Tribunal struck down the retroactive application of legislative amendments to a taxpayer who reasonably relied on a precedential decision of the Tribunal that was final and irrevocable at the time the taxpayer sold his shares in an S corporation.

On July 31, 2009, the non-resident taxpayer sold shares in

A New York State Administrative Law Judge ruled that the retroactive application of amendments to the state’s Empire Zones statute—disqualifying a taxpayer from the tax reduction credits—did not violate the taxpayer’s constitutional due process rights. Acknowledging that the stated public purposes of curtailing perceived abuses and raising revenue were better accomplished in prospective legislation, the

By Jeff Friedman and Stephanie Do

Following an unfavorable court decision, state legislatures have been able to effectively reverse a decision by retroactively changing the law. Several taxpayers have challenged the validity of retroactive state tax changes by arguing that the retroactive laws violate the US Constitution’s Due Process Clause, which requires that no state

By Mary Alexander and Prentiss Willson

The Oklahoma Court of Appeals held that retroactive relief applied to a facially unconstitutional capital gains deduction. The court previously held that the capital gains deduction set forth in 68 O.S. §238(d) discriminated on its face against interstate commerce because the holding period for out-of-state companies was longer than