On August 31, 2021, the Maryland Comptroller filed proposed regulations on the controversial digital advertising gross revenues tax (the DAT) with the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review. Of primary interest to potential DAT taxpayers, and described in this Legal Alert, the regulations adopt a device-based apportionment fraction. The comment period for the

On June 17, 2021, the Standing Subcommittee of the Multistate Tax Commission’s (“MTC”) Uniformity Committee discussed a potential new project recommendation for the Uniformity Committee. During the meeting, MTC staff presented a draft memo outlining the pros and cons of creating a uniform model statute for the taxation of digital products. Ultimately, however, the Committee

On May 7, 2021, the Washington Department of Revenue issued Excise Tax Advisory 3223.2021, providing guidance on the proper taxation of grocery food and restaurant delivery services provided through marketplace facilitators. Marketplace facilitators that are facilitating the retail sale of prepared food or groceries through its marketplace are responsible for collecting and remitting sales

On April 22, 2021, the Connecticut General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Finance Revenue and Bonding (“Joint Committee”) approved a revised revenue bill (HB6443) to implement the Connecticut state budget.  We have learned that the revised bill includes: (1) a new digital advertising services tax; and (2) a new wage compensation tax, whereby, at

The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance issued an advisory opinion determining that the fee paid for an information technology support service was not subject to sales and use tax because the taxable component of the service was delivered outside of New York. The taxpayer provided investment advice to its customers and as

On April 12, 2021, the Florida legislature presented S.B. 50 to Governor DeSantis, which would require sales tax collection from a person whose remote sales to Florida exceed $100,000 per year. It states that a person whose “taxable remote sales in the previous calendar year” exceed $100,000 has a “substantial number of remote sales” and

The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance issued an advisory opinion, determining the taxability of two online services sold by a taxpayer relating to government requests for proposal: (1) the procurement service was nontaxable; but (2) the notification service was a taxable information service. The procurement service allowed government customers to create

The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance issued an advisory opinion, concluding that a taxpayer’s charges for its online webhosting solution were not subject to sales tax. The customers pay an annual fee for their events (audio and video meetings, conferences, webinars and live presentations) to be hosted and maintained and also

On March 30, 2021, the Kansas legislature passed S.B. 50, which would require sales and use tax and transient guest tax collection by marketplace facilitators selling or facilitating the sale of property or services subject to these taxes, as well as set a remote seller tax collection threshold. Marketplace facilitators are required to collect