How do you change your state of domicile? What makes you a resident of a particular state? While these questions appear simple on the surface, the answers are complex and can vary depending on the state. Eversheds Sutherland’s SALT team has honed our knowledge and expertise on these issues to provide answers....Read More

In a decision dated January 18, 2022, the Arkansas Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) held that a married couple remained domiciled in and residents of Arkansas for individual income tax purposes for the 2013 through 2018 tax years, rejecting the couple’s assertion that they had abandoned their Arkansas domicile by relocating to another state.

An employee’s state of residency, and in some cases the city and/or county of residency, may significantly affect their employer’s withholding tax obligations. Given the expected increase in permanent remote work, residency complications may exacerbate an employer’s state withholding compliance burdens.

In this SALT@Work column for the November/December issue of Journal of Multistate Taxation and

In a personal income tax residency decision that involves a fair amount of schadenfreude, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals affirmed a criminal tax evasion conviction of a District domiciliary and denied a motion to suppress documents obtained through extensive summonses issued by the Office of Tax and Revenue.

For background, the taxpayer filed

On July 27, the Indiana Department of Revenue found that a taxpayer had abandoned her Indiana domicile and was therefore no longer subject to Indiana state income despite the taxpayer erroneously listing her permanent address with her employer as her old Indiana-based address.

The taxpayer protested the imposition of Indiana income tax and provided the

Residency/domicile is a critical issue in a state-tax analysis because, as a general principle, a state taxes its own residents on all their income from whatever sources it is derived (typically with a credit mechanism for some or all tax paid to another state on that same income). However, regardless of residency and regardless of

A New York Administrative Law Judge recently determined that a taxpayer was liable for income tax as a statutory resident of New York State and New York City for the entire 2014 tax year, as he maintained a permanent place of abode in New York City and was physically present in New York State and

On August 17, 2021, the Ohio Department of Taxation finalized amendments to its rule governing the determination of resident status for personal income tax purposes. See our prior coverage of the draft (now finalized) rule here. The amendments are intended to modernize the factors to be considered – and to be disregarded – in

On this episode of the SALT Shaker Podcast, Host and Eversheds Sutherland Associate Jeremy Gove is joined by Partner Tim Gustafson to delve into the intricacies of personal income tax, residency and domicile.

The two discuss the numerous tests various jurisdictions use in determining when a taxpayer is a domiciliary, and even when not domiciled

The Idaho State Tax Commission found an individual taxpayer remained domiciled in the state and thus liable for Idaho individual income taxes where there was no evidence he ever abandoned his Idaho domicile. The taxpayer was audited and issued a notice of deficiency determination because the taxpayer did not file a tax return in Idaho